Aftercare Instructions

Congrats on your new tattoo!

Now you’ve left the studio, the responsibility lies with you to ensure your tattoo is properly cared for. For optimal healing results, follow the guidelines as below. Please refrain from using any products on your new tattoo other than those recommended or approved by your artist. It is always best to follow your artists’ instructions for your given tattoo as recommendations can differ depending on the type of tattoo given (i.e. fine-line, vs bold/heavy fill).

Immediately After:

✢ Leave your second skin bandage on for 2-3 days, if you notice any additional redness remove the bandage straight away and proceed with regular cleaning steps

✢ Drink lots of water to promote faster healing and healthy skin

✢ Wear loose/soft clothing over the area to prevent any rubbing or discomfort


For easiest bandage removal, it is recommended to remove the bandage when in the shower to help soften the adhesive. Remove the bandage slowly and carefully, pulling the bandage up towards you as you work down the strip. The following steps should be repeated 1-2 times a day for optimal healing results.

✢ Ensure you have clean, washed hands before applying any product or touching the tattooed area

✢ After you remove your bandage, you will want to gently cleanse your tattoo with a mild, un-scented soap solution (such as Dr Bronners, or Cetaphil) to remove any fluid/plasma.

✢ Dry your tattoo by gently patting with a clean paper towel, or let air-dry. Avoid using your towel to dry the area.

✢ Moisturize with a sheer, breathable layer of Hustle Butter, Aquaphor or un-scented Lubriderm lotion. Do not use products such as Vaseline, Polysporin etc as they will negatively affect the healing process.

Refrain from:

✢ Scratching/picking at any scabs. Your tattoo will start to flake and may scab a little - it’s important not to touch this and allow it to fall off naturally. Doing so can result in pulling out ink in areas that haven’t fully healed.

✢ Avoid sunlight exposure while your tattoo is healing - wear clothing to cover your tattoo. Sun exposure can result in ink distortion, ink loss and extended healing times.

✢ Avoid soaking the tattoo in water: swimming, saunas, steam rooms, hot tubs etc for at least 2 weeks. Showering is okay.

✢ Avoid exercise/sweating for the first week of healing. The salts draw out pigment from the skin - be sure to rinse off your tattoo and cleanse if you do accumulate a layer of sweat on top.

✢ Avoid wearing scratchy/tight clothing over your new tattoo. It is important for your new tattoo to breathe and to help prevent irritation. If you have a tattoo no your foot/ankle area try to avoid tightly fighting shoes and wear soft socks and sandals/bare feet where possible.

Once Fully Healed:

✢ After 2-3 weeks of healing, you may resume normal activities again. Note tattoos can take up to a year to fully settle in the skin, and you may notice tonal changes over time.

✢ Continue to moisturize the area regularly. Healthy skin means a happy tattoo!

✢ Use a high-factor sunscreen when outside to protect your tattoo - the sun creates premature fading and blurring of ink.

✢ Laser-treatments (hair-removal) can affect the tattoo pigment. Please ensure to let your technician know of any tattoos.


✢ If you notice any additional redness, especially redness around the second skin - take off your second skin right away and proceed with cleaning steps. You may have an allergy to the adhesive, however once the second skin has been removed the redness usually dissipates after a day or so.

✢ Healthy skin is a happy tattoo! Looking after your skin by staying hydrated, protecting it from the sun will go a long way in helping keep your tattoos looking crisp for years to come.

✢ Sometimes, ink falls out of a tattoo after the healing process - and can happen for a large number of reasons and isn’t necessarily yours, or the artists fault! If after a month the tattoo needs a touch-up, be sure to reach out to your artist to schedule a touch-up appointment.


We’re happy to help! Feel free to reach out directly to your artist, or to the studio at

✢ We hope to see you again soon! ✢